Quality Control and Certification Standards in GRC Building Materials
Since GRC/ GFRC panels, columns, cornices, balusters, domes, etc. of a building are exposed to unavoidable forces like sun, rain, changing weather condition relating to the outer world, the importance of material testing of GRC/ GFRC elements sits in the middle and center. The failure in doing so, the structural success of a building during construction and after its delivery will always remain doubtful that may result in higher risks and lower lifespan of their assets. With a sharp growth in its demand, the architects and civil engineers have timely realized and started to concentrate on the best and scientifically proven methods of accurate GRC/ GFRC materials testing to determine the best building and construction solutions for the ongoing and upcoming building façade projects. While on the one hand, the chemical properties of GRC/ GFRC elements talk volume about various applications and dispositions, the idea of material testing proves strength,